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Common Applet Problems (and Their Solutions)

Problem: Applet Viewer says there's no applet tag on my HTML page, but it really is there: Problem: I recompiled my applet, but my applet viewing application won't show the new version, even though I told it to reload it. Problem: The light gray background of my applet causes the applet to flicker when it's drawn on a page of a different color. Problem: The Applet getImage method doesn't work. Problem: Now that I've copied my applet's class file onto my HTTP server, the applet doesn't work. Other problems that affect applets are discussed in the Creating a User Interface(in the Creating a User Interface trail) trail. Specifically, look at whichever of the following sections are related to your problem: Common Component Problems(in the Creating a User Interface trail), Common Layout Problems(in the Creating a User Interface trail), Common Graphics Problems(in the Creating a User Interface trail).

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