Dave's Math Tables: Weights and Measures
(Math | General | Weights and Measures | Areas)

Unit Conversion Tables for Areas

A note on the metric system:
Before you use this table convert to the base measurement first, in that convert centi-meters to meters, convert kilo-grams to grams. In this way, I don't have to list every imaginable combination of metric units.

The notation 1.23E + 4 stands for 1.23 x 10+4 = 0.000123.

from \ to= __ acres= __ feet2= __ inches2= __ meters2= __ miles2= __ yards2
acre 4356062726404046.856...(1/640)4840
foot2(1/43560) 1440.09290304(1/27878400)(1/9)
inch2(1/6272640)(1/144) 6.4516E - 43.587006E - 10(1/1296)
meter22.471054...E - 410.76391...1550.0031 3.861021...E - 71.195990...
mile2640278784002.78784E + 92.589988...E + 6 3097600
yard2(1/4840)912960.836127363.228305...E - 7 
To use: Find the unit to convert from in the left column, and multiply it by the expression under the unit to convert to.
Examples: foot2 = 144 inches2; 2 feet2 = 2x144 inches2.

Useful Exact Area & Length Relationships

acre = (1/640) miles2
mile = 1760 yards = 5280 feet
yard = 3 feet = 36 inches
foot = 12 inches
inch = 2.54 centimeters
Note that when converting area units:
  1 foot = 12 inches
  (1 foot)2 = (12 inches)2 (square both sides)
  1 foot2 = 144 inches2
The linear & area relationships are not the same!

Casa de Bender