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This book describes the core JavaScript language and extensions to that language for use with a browser. JavaScript is Netscape's cross-platform, object-based scripting language for client and server applications.
This book has been updated to include JavaScript 1.2 features, with the exception of JavaScript properties and objects that support layers and style sheets. For information on these subjects, see Dynamic HTML in Netscape Communicator.
Preliminary, last modified: 10/31/97.
- What's New in Navigator 4.0
- What You Should Already Know
- How to Use JavaScript Documentation
- Document Conventions
Chapter 1 Getting Started
This chapter introduces JavaScript, discusses some of the fundamental concepts of JavaScript in Navigator and provides basic examples. It shows JavaScript code in action, so you can begin writing your own scripts immediately, using the example code as a starting point.
- What is JavaScript?
- JavaScript in Navigator
- JavaScript on the Server
- JavaScript, the Core Language
- JavaScript and Java
- Embedding JavaScript in HTML
- Using the SCRIPT Tag
- Specifying a File of JavaScript Code
- Using JavaScript Expressions as HTML Attribute Values
- Using Quotation Marks
- Specifying Alternate Content With the NOSCRIPT Tag
- Defining and Calling Functions
- Using the Write Method
- Printing Output
- Displaying Output
- Validating Form Input
- Example Validation Functions
- Using the Validation Functions
- Debugging JavaScript
Chapter 2 Handling Events
JavaScript applications in the Navigator are largely event-driven. Events are actions that occur usually as a result of something the user does. For example, clicking a button is an event, as is changing a text field or moving the mouse over a link. For your script to react to an event, you define event handlers, such as onChange and onClick.
- Defining an Event Handler
- Example: Using an Event Handler
- Calling Event Handlers Explicitly
- The Event Object
- Event Capturing
Chapter 3 Using Navigator Objects
This chapter describes JavaScript objects in Navigator and how to use them. These client-side JavaScript objects are sometimes referred to as Navigator objects, to distinguish them from server-side objects or user-defined objects.
- Navigator Object Hierarchy
- Document Properties: an Example
- JavaScript Reflection and HTML Layout
- Key Navigator Objects
- window and Frame Objects
- document Object
- Form Object
- location Object
- history Object
- navigator Object
- Navigator's Object Arrays
Chapter 4 Using Windows and Frames
JavaScript lets you create and manipulate windows and frames for presenting HTML content. The window object is the top-level object in the JavaScript client hierarchy; Frame objects are similar to window objects, but correspond to "sub-windows" created with the FRAME tag in a FRAMESET document.
- Opening and Closing Windows
- Opening a Window
- Closing a Window
- Using Frames
- Creating a Frame
- Updating a Frame
- Referring To and Navigating Among Frames
- Creating and Updating Frames: an Example
- Referring to Windows and Frames
- Referring to a Window's Properties, Methods, and Event Handlers
- Referring to a Window in a Form Submit or Hypertext Link
- Navigating among Windows and Frames
Chapter 5 LiveConnect
LiveConnect enables communication between JavaScript and Java applets in a page and between JavaScript and plug-ins loaded on a page. This chapter explains how to use LiveConnect in Netscape Navigator. It assumes you are familiar with Java programming.
- Enabling LiveConnect
- The Java Console
- About the Netscape Packages
- Using the Netscape Packages
- JavaScript to Java Communication
- Accessing Java Directly
- Controlling Java Applets
- Controlling Java Plug-ins
- Data Type Conversion
- Java to JavaScript Communication
- Getting a Handle for the JavaScript Window
- Accessing JavaScript Objects and Properties
- Calling JavaScript Methods
- Data Type Conversion
Chapter 6 Advanced Topics
This chapter describes some special concepts and applications that extend the power and flexibility of Navigator JavaScript.
- Using JavaScript URLs
- Using Client-Side Image Maps
- Using Server-Side Image Maps
- Using the Status Bar
- Creating Hints with onMouseOver and onMouseOut
- Using Cookies
- Limitations
- Using Cookies with JavaScript
- Using Cookies: an Example
- Determining Installed Plug-ins
- mimeTypes Array
- plugins Array
Chapter 7 JavaScript Security
This chapter describes the security models of the JavaScript language for Navigator 2.0 and later releases. This model was extended significantly between the Navigator 3.0 and Navigator 4.0 releases.
- Same Origin Policy
- New Access Errors
- Origin Checks and Layers
- Origin Checks and Java Applets
- Using Data Tainting in Navigator 3.0
- How Tainting Works
- Enabling Tainting
- Tainting and Untainting Individual Data Elements
- Tainting that Results from Conditional Statements
- Using Signed Scripts in Navigator 4.0
- Introduction to Signed Scripts
- Identifying Signed Scripts
- Using Expanded Privileges
- Writing the Script
- Signing Scripts
- Troubleshooting Signed Scripts
Chapter 8 Values, Variables, and Literals
This chapter discusses values that JavaScript recognizes and describes the fundamental building blocks of JavaScript expressions: variables and literals.
- Values
- Data Type Conversion
- Variables
- Variable Scope
- Literals
- Integers
- Floating-Point Literals
- Boolean Literals
- String Literals
- Array Literals
- Object Literals
- Regular Expression Literals
Chapter 9 Expressions and Operators
This chapter describes JavaScript expressions and operators, including assignment, comparison, arithmetic, bitwise, logical, string, and special operators. It also describes regular expressions.
- Expressions
- Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Logical Operators
- String Operators
- Special Operators
- Operator Precedence
- Regular Expressions
- Creating a Regular Expression
- Writing a Regular Expression Pattern
- Working With Regular Expressions
- Examples
Chapter 10 Object Model
This chapter describes how to use objects, properties, functions, and methods, and how to create your own objects.
- Objects and Properties
- Functions
- Defining Functions
- Using Functions
- Using the arguments Array
- Creating New Objects
- Indexing Object Properties
- Defining Properties for an Object Type
- Defining Methods
- Using this for Object References
- Object Deletion
Chapter 11 Predefined Core Objects and Functions
Several objects are predefined in core JavaScript and can be used in either client-side or server-side scripts. These objects are in addition to objects defined for server-side JavaScript and Navigator objects introduced in Chapter 3, "Using Navigator Objects." A handful of predefined functions can also be used in both client and server scripts.
- Objects
- Array Object
- Boolean Object
- Date Object
- Function Object
- Math Object
- Number Object
- RegExp Object
- String Object
- Functions
- eval Function
- isNaN Function
- parseInt and parseFloat Functions
- Number and String Functions
- escape and unescape Functions
- taint and untaint Functions
Chapter 12 Overview of JavaScript Statements
JavaScript supports a compact set of statements that you can use to incorporate a great deal of interactivity in Web pages. This chapter provides an overview of these statements.
- Conditional Statement
- if...else Statement
- switch Statement
- Loop Statements
- for Statement
- do...while Statement
- while Statement
- labeled Statement
- break Statement
- continue Statement
- Object Manipulation Statements and Operators
- new Operator
- this Keyword
- for...in Statement
- with Statement
- Comments
Appendix A Reserved Words
This appendix lists the reserved words in JavaScript.
Appendix B Color Values
The string literals in this appendix can be used to specify colors in the JavaScript alinkColor, bgColor, fgColor, linkColor, and vLinkColor properties and the fontcolor method.
Appendix C Netscape Cookies
A cookie is a small piece of information stored on the client machine in the cookies.txt file. This appendix discusses the implementation of cookies in the Navigator client; it is not a formal specification or standard.
Appendix D LiveAudio and LiveConnect
LiveAudio is LiveConnect aware. This appendix describes how you use JavaScript to control embedded LiveAudio elements.
- JavaScript Methods for Controlling LiveAudio
- Using the LiveAudio LiveConnect Methods
Appendix E JavaScript Mail Filters in Navigator 4.0
This appendix tells you how you can use JavaScript to filter your incoming mail and news when you use Netscape Messenger.
- Creating the filter and adding to your rules file
- News filters
- Message Object Reference
- Mail Messages
- News Messages
- Debugging your filters
- A more complex example
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Last Updated: 10/31/97 10:32:11
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Netscape Communications Corporation
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